What is Sciatica?

The Mayo Clinic defines Sciatica as the pain that radiates along the path of the sciatic nerve.  This nerve branches from your lower back through your hips and buttocks and down each leg.  Most Sciatic Nerve problems are contained in one side of the body and often are the product of herniated disk or compressed nerves caused by bone spurs on the spine.   The pain of sciatica can be minimal to severe and varies in frequency for each patient affected.  The result can be inflammation, pain, and even numbness in one leg.  More serious complications can include weakness and incontinence, making treatment for the disorder imperative.  Quality treatment can not only lessen the symptoms of sciatica, but can significantly improve a patient’s quality of life.

Traditional medical treatment indicate that sciatica be treated with medications including anti-inflammatory medications, muscle relaxants, narcotics, and anti-seizure medications, as well as physical therapy, steroid injections, and –in severe cases–surgery.

In many cases, patients choose alternative therapies to control sciatica.  Common alternative therapies include acupuncture and chiropractic care to control minor to severe back pain and other symptoms.  Patients who use such measures are often pleased with a result of improved function and mobility.

Effective management of sciatica via chiropractic care begins with diagnosis by X-ray, MRI, or CT scan, which are used to determine any contraindications for chiropractic therapy.  As chiropractic care for sciatica involves neither prescription drugs nor invasive practices, patients can enjoy relief that follows a more natural regimen of care, and because chiropractic therapy is determined based on the needs of the individual patient, they reap the benefits of personalized plans of care.

Chiropractic sciatica treatment may include ultrasound therapy, spinal adjustment, and ice/cold therapy, and electric nerve stimulation to reduce inflammation and control pain.

Ultrasound therapy for sciatica:  This method of treatment provides stimulation to muscle tissue and helps increase blood flow to the affected area of the body.  Benefits include increasing the patient’s range of motion and improving the effect of rehabilitative exercises and stretching.

Spinal adjustment for sciatica:  Chiropractic care helps decrease the effects of nerve compression by correcting skeletal biomechanics.  By increasing the correct movement and function of a patient, symptoms of sciatica can be relived.  The practice corrects the motion of the joints which has a major affect on many patients’ comfort and overall improvement.

Ice/Cold therapy for sciatica:  Cold therapy is simple in that it numbs nerves and reduces pain and inflammation.  It is often used in conjunction with spinal adjustment and ultrasound therapy for sciatica.

Electric Nerve stimulation for sciatica: Nerve stimulation effectively balances electrical pain signals and while in a traditional medical setting, can be delivered by an implanted device, can also be offered by an external device which offers electrical pulse treatment directly to an offending nerve in conjunction with a chiropractic treatment approach.

Patients may choose to supplement traditional care for sciatica with chiropractic care or may choose a complete chiropractic regimen to keep sciatic pain in control.  Those with questions about chiropractic sciatic care –or who would like to discuss treatment options –may contact Guyot Chiropractic at 865.429.4404 to schedule a consultation.