Chiropractic Care for Sinus Pain

Wake up every morning with a stuffy nose, headache, and mucus in your throat?

Do you have a constant postnasal drip?

Do you feel as if you are always fighting a cold?

Suffering with sinus problems is a condition that many people endure every day of their lives. Runny nose, watery eyes, and an array of other ill-boding bodily responses are often the result of sinus problems and they can cause headaches, congestion, pressure, and unyielding pain.

Millions of people suffer with painful sinus headaches and other symptoms every day, but it needn’t be so.

Don’t let sinus pain get you down!

Our immune systems are meant to protect us from those things that are not supposed to be in our bodies. The immune system is affected by our nerves, hormones, the food we eat, and the stress to which we are exposed. If functioning at less than optimum capacity, the immune system can fail to recognize invaders and expose a body to the mercy of pollutants, dust, pollen, certain foods, dog or cat dander, and drugs.

In sinusitis, or sinus infection, the linings are inflamed and the tissues become full of mucus, they are swollen, and drainage is blocked, causing pain.

The causes of sinusitis can be anything that irritates the sinus membranes and some people are more prone to this condition in the fall and spring when allergens irritate their sinus passages. When sinusitis is caused by histamines, a common treatment is taking antihistamines to dry the membranes. This only suppresses symptoms and does not deal with the underlying immune system problem, often giving patients the illusion that the problem is solved when in reality it is not.

Sinusitis can also come from polyps, bone growths, facial injuries, deviated septums, tumors or diseases of the teeth.

If you are suffering needlessly with sinus pain and the usual medical approaches do not work, consider seeking relief with chiropractic care.

While chiropractors are thought of mainly for back problems or treatment of specific injuries, chiropractors can also help to relieve sinus pain and allergies. Chiropractic care is a safe, drugless and natural way to good health for millions of people.

Daily sufferers from sinus pain have received help and have improved with chiropractic care because it allows their bodies to function at more optimal levels. Chiropractic care relieves the stress on the nervous system and the body structures, which in turn help the body to function more efficiently and allows for better sinus drainage. When the body is working properly, resistance to disease and sickness improves, and reactions to dust, temperature changes, pollen and other irritants can lessen or stop altogether.

Chiropractors understand that sinus sufferers receive excellent relief through removal of obstructions that impede proper drainage of the sinuses, specifically in the neck and back. When vertebra alignment is off, the muscles that attach to them can become swollen, or spastic and can even close off the lymphatic drainage of the head and neck. Manual or massage therapies can be of great benefit to help drainage and prevent or fight infection.

Physiotherapy, joint manipulation, and facial massages can also help to improve sinus problems by relieving pressure, decreasing pain, and stopping headaches from occurring.

Chiropractic intervention is a natural way of relieving the stress on the nervous system caused by constant irritants and allows it to regain control of the immunological process. Often a last approach used for sinus relief, it is becoming more and more prominent due to the amount of success that sinus sufferers are enjoying for quality chiropractic treatment.

If you’d like to know more about how chiropractic care can alleviate sinus suffering, call our office today at 865.429.4404 to schedule an appointment.